Allotment Rhubarb Gin

So! If you have forced any early rhubarb great, as the final colour of the gin is a lighter more delicate shade of pink, but if not, carry on with the usual rhubarb and the colour will be darker but just as tasty! Lovely on its own and just as scrummy with tonic and a sliced bit of fresh rhubarb.
(This is how I do it………..and of course the recipe can be halved………or doubled)!!
- Large sweety type of jar or large kilner jar with tight fitting lid
- About 1kg (2 lb)of rhubarb…….but ok not to be precise!
- 1 x bag of granulated sugar…… not expensive
- 2 x 70cl bottles of cheapest gin
What to Do:
- Pull your rhubarb stalks and remove leaves and root ends. Rinse stalks but don’t dry it – just shake off excess water. Chop stalks into 3 inch pieces (roughly)
- Put into the sweety jar
- Whilst the rhubarb is still wet, pour on the sugar and shake the rhubarb so that the sugar covers and sticks to all the bits
- Leave in the jar for 24 hours, shaking intermittently and the juice will run from the rhubarb and ‘melt’ into the sugar
- Add the gin to the rhubarb and shake together intermittently over a couple of days until the sugar has completely dissolved
- Pop the jar into the dark shed (or secret place) for a couple of weeks – and then taste! If it is too bitter - add more sugar and keep tasting…….too sweet, add more gin…..keep tasting…..and over all, keep tasting and
- If there fizz any left after a touple of seeks, drain the rhubits off and bottle hit!
Elaine (35)