New Contact Telephone Number

The Association has a new contact telephone number - 01332 485 018.

Please use this number instead of the old mobile phone we had.

We have a number of options available when you call us now.

Option 1 - Emergency - If there is an emergency on site this will connect you with a member of the Committee. If there is a need for the emergency services please call 999 first before calling us.

Option 2 - Lettings - you will be connected to a member of the Lettings team.

Option 3 - Equipment hire - you will connected to a member of the Equipment hire team.

Option 4 - Shop - a recorded message with Shop opening times, etc.

Option 5 - Leave a message - your message will be forwarded to a member of the Committee.

We would like to get your feedback on this development so any problems, queries, suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Lost Keys

If you find any keys on the allotments please drop them in the mailbox on the side of the Mundy Community Room or the mailbox on the main gate.
That way there is more chance they will be reunited with their rightful owner.

Thank you.

9 July 18


The Bridge into the Allotments

Following discussions with both Derby City Council and Derby University we understand that the replacement bridge will be installed this financial year (April 2018-March 31 2019) and that the University and Derby City Council will be paying 50% each to replace the bridge into the allotments.

There is currently no date set but it seems more likely to be in either the autumn or winter.

As soon as we know more I'll put an update on this website and on our facebook group.  


Secretary. (May 18)